News and Update!
Crypto Token BeyondAI (BAI) = Live - 21-08-2024
Description: Deployed and Live
After internal conversations in Q2-2024 decided to build a crypto assest. The token itself has no value to our project. Our vision was purley enabling members to buy a portion of Life Beyond. Instead a traditional stockmarket, made a decision anno 2024 towards the future to go for a crypto token.
The token as no intrinsic value to our project other than we're focussing us on the actual deliverables. This is our primairy ambition and course we're heading to. There's no correlation between project and token. Will not give any financial advise.
Name: BeyondAI (BAI)
Complaint: ERC-20
Network: Ethereum
Dex: Uniswap utilizing MetaMask (place to by the token)
Max. Total supply: 1.000.000
Circulating supply: 500.000
Airdrop: 500.000
Launce date: 20-08-2024
Item# Q3-2024 = Crypto Assest Live!
News and Update!
Website en Socials -19-07-2024
Description: Completed
Our website is gaining more and more attraction from the public, influencers and large community members on Twitter.
Will continue expanding our website with more context, more features and updates.
Follow Us on social media (links below)
Item# Q3-2024 = Website and Socials, stage = Completed.
News and Update!
Research and Development (R&D) Update: 19-06-2024
Description: R&D
At the moment we've attracted several development companies to empower our AI concept into an actual go-live. After a successfull Proof of Concept by both parties we expect to make a final decision on the company who's building our first product (go-live Q1-2025).
Item# Q2-2024 = Reseach and Development
Status: In progress
News and Update!
We've completed our first milestone indicated on our Roadmap. Business Requirements Document (functional/technical design) is now available in version 1.0
Item# Q2-2024 = RoadMap and Design
Status: Completed